Quotes about gutting (15 Quotes)

    The answer is not more carrots for the industry, like gutting environmental laws and immunizing companies for the harm they cause, but sticks, such as forcing companies to invest in beefing up refining capacity when it is needed,

    Representative Barton's legislation rolls out the red carpet for oil company profiteers who have intentionally reduced refining capacity to pump up profits to world record levels, ... Since deregulation in 1982, oil consumption has increased 33 percent, but oil companies have reduced refining capacity by about 10 percent. The answer is not more carrots for the industry, like gutting environmental laws and immunizing companies for the harm they cause, but sticks such as forcing companies to invest in beefing up refining capacity when it is needed. We need supply side regulation, not more supply side economics.

    We just kept gutting it out. It seemed like we lost it two or three times.

    Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first, but it won't take long before you feel the impact.

    We were gutting the houses down to the frame. Some of the houses we were dealing with were so bad that if left the water-damaged stuff in the structural wood would have just rotted.

    Leander Cedar Park was a good team. We just really played well Saturday afternoon. I would definitely have to compliment the whole team on just determination alone. We're gutting out some matches that make a difference and it's good to see that from our kids in the middle of the season.

    Shane really gutted it out. That is the longest he has pitched for us and we had him for 75 pitches. Give him a lot of credit for gutting it out and being very effective. That was a huge factor for us to have him come in and shut them (Phantoms) down. They swing the bats well.

    This was a very crucial game. It's been a tough week, and we kept gutting it out and playing hard in practice, and we had confidence we could come out here and play to our potential.

    The space station was sold to Congress for decades as a lab to do this kind of broad-based research. Now they've started gutting the station just when it is at the point of being able to do all things it was supposed to do. That leaves the purpose of the space station as something for astronauts to fix.

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