Quotes about gymnasts (14 Quotes)

    This was quite an accomplishment for these two young gymnasts. To put up those big scores in a large invitational like this really showcases the talent of these two young ladies.

    For gymnasts, this is one of the most exciting events we can participate in. Utah can invite anyone in the nation to their gym, and we've been lucky enough to be able to be among those teams.

    After an Olympic year, and this is typical when the whole Olympic team goes out, the number of gymnasts is not as big. But we have at least six exciting juniors who will be seniors next year. We will keep our system, we will do periodic training camps and we'll take them to bigger competitions.

    At tonight's show , which starts at 7 p.m., DeGarmo will perform along with gymnasts Carly Patterson and Paul Hamm and skaters Brian Boitano, Elvis Stojko, Yuka Sato and Michael Weiss. Tickets start at 20, and are still available. (Info www.gwinnettcenter.com or 404-249-6400). It's a family-oriented show, ... Anybody of any age can come. All the skaters and gymnasts are really great.

    It can be a problem if you don't control it. Mark always talks about having controlled aggression. You have to be able to channel the energy. When that happens, sometimes it makes the gymnasts do things that you normally don't see them do.

    As a coaching staff we're trying to make sure (the gymnasts) feel confident in what they're doing. We reassure them that the gymnastics they're doing looks really good, and they're going to be ready.

    Those two are doing an an awesome job, especially being freshmen, and the pressures that can come with that. They're both phenomenal gymnasts, and it's kind of like a friendly competition.

    It's important to make sure (the gymnasts) don't get overconfident or too cocky or too arrogant. We've had teams in the past that would've responded to that (ranking), but these girls are not like that. They're very professional in their approach. It's be

    It's a very good thing. We always like to have a certain number of high-level gymnasts pushing each other, because there is a good competition. Everybody would like to come out on top. ... But we reinforce the idea that if you're doing your very best for yourself you're helping the team.

    Even though she was unable to medal at the Regional Championships it was quite an accomplishment for her to make the Regional Team in her first year competing at this level. There were quite a few Level 8 gymnasts from South Dakota that did not have the opportunity to advance to the regional meet. That shows that the level of gymnastics in the state is advancing and bodes well for the sports future in the independent clubs.

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