Quotes about hails (5 Quotes)

    The man that hails you Tom or Jack, and proves by thumps upon your back how he esteems your merit, is such a friend, that one had need be very much his friend indeed to pardon or to bear it.

    Quaid, like Hancock, hails from Texas -- Houston itself, the city named for his character, as a matter of fact. You grow up in Texas, ... you learn Texas history before American history, and going to the Alamo as a kid or the San Jacinto battleground is a pilgrimage.

    The T-Mobile team has signed Andr Greipel to its roster for next season, on a one year basis. The 23 year-old sprinter, who hails from Jan Ullrich's hometown of Rostock, rode for Team Wiesenhof this year. Andr is a young rider with massive potential, ... He has shown that already on a number of occasions this year. We are hoping that, with us, he can continue to develop and evolve as a sprinter.

    Alyssa is an extremely talented goal keeper who has great potential. Her over all quickness and reaction time are her strengths. She hails from a competitive area of Pennsylvania hockey and has been exposed to a high level of play through her high school career.

    Every time it gives you hope, a big old nasty cloud rolls over you and hails on you in April. It dumped 40 gallons on our field, so we switched it over to North and then 20 minutes later it drops 40 gallons over there.

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