Quotes about half-mile (12 Quotes)

    Boy, he made that exciting. He just walked out of the gate. At the half-mile pole, I reached back and hit him to get his attention. I thought I had a shot at the top of the lane because he was moving, but when we hit the wire, I wouldn't have bet money that we got there. That was tight.

    He went well, nice and even. It's a little early to say if he will make the San Fernando. There could be other options. This was only his first six-furlong work. He had worked four times at a half-mile, so he was ready to go an easy six.

    I inherited the lead about the middle of the first turn, and he was running real easy. Then on the backside I don't know if he lost interest, but I really thought I was out of horse. About the half-mile pole I had to pull the stick out and go to work on him, and he responded.

    My horse was getting a little bit tired. They quickened at the half-mile pole and it looked like maybe Alex got a little breather around the turn. My horse is so big, I was really asking him going to the quarter pole, but Alex was just cruising and we just couldn't quite make up that much ground.

    We really picked it up from the half-mile pole in. Then I think by the time we got to the quarter pole, it was just a matter of how far I wanted to win by, and when I wanted to ask him.

    This horse has handled so many tracks (seven to date), that I didn't see the track being a big factor, ... There are very few horses that can go with this horse for the first half-mile. He's and exceptional animal, and it is really going to take an exceptional animal to beat him. A couple of guys have said that he hasn't met the best, but we've taken on all comers and he's handled them pretty nicely.

    He said no. The fractions in the Travers, they were walking. It was a race from the half-mile pole. If he ran in the King's Bishop, he'd have hooked up with Lost in the Fog and he'd gotten his butt run off for seven furlongs. It was sitting there waiting to happen. The one thing that beat us more than anything was time.

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