Quotes about hamm (6 Quotes)

    We say it was an intentional killing. To prove that, we intend to show the lifestyle of the defendant and language between he and (Amanda Hamm), and what he was about.

    In order to prove whether it was voluntary or involuntary, you must have access to Ms. Hamm or a psychologist who can talk to Ms. Hamm. When we filed the motion, we believed that would be forthcoming and we would have that access.

    At tonight's show , which starts at 7 p.m., DeGarmo will perform along with gymnasts Carly Patterson and Paul Hamm and skaters Brian Boitano, Elvis Stojko, Yuka Sato and Michael Weiss. Tickets start at 20, and are still available. (Info www.gwinnettcenter.com or 404-249-6400). It's a family-oriented show, ... Anybody of any age can come. All the skaters and gymnasts are really great.

    During our tough negotiations with the federal government, Premier Hamm was a rock upon which we all relied, ... He had fought for many years to achieve a better resource agreement with Ottawa and his perspective and counsel were critical to our collective success.

    We were on the edge of some really great performances, but we didn't quite get them. I think some guys thought, 'Paul Hamm isn't here to win it. It could be me,' and a new pressure came on some of them. That's what we want them to learn.

    We plan to call Amanda Hamm, period. When she gets on the stand we plan to ask her questions about what happened, what she knew, what went down. We won't know until then whether she will answer the questions.

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