Quotes about hand-eye (15 Quotes)

    We act on behalf of 40 riding centres in Ontario, ... They offer horses to people with disabilities. It combines horseback riding with therapy, and it helps with balance, strength and muscles, and hand-eye co-ordination. It's like normal therapy, but they make it fun.

    He was certainly in our top 10 in the country. He wasn't very physical at that stage, but you saw the defense, and the kid always had a sweet swing and great hand-eye coordination.

    He may not have seen live pitching, but he's the type of guy who wouldn't take long to resurrect his hand-eye coordination. I don't think he hit 700-and-something home runs by accident. I think you would have to be aware of him.

    You feel like you should get two points in a game like that. (The winning goal) hit my stick. I tried to put it in the corner. I went to bat it and missed it and he got it. Good hand-eye on him. It's disappointing. We outplayed them and we deserved two points.

    Basically, steroids can jump you a level or two. The average player can become a star, and the star player can become a superstar, and the superstar Forget it. He can do things we've never seen before. You take a guy who already has great hand-eye coordination and make him stronger, and without a doubt he'll be better.

    He's got some confidence and he hasn't really blinked. He's got pretty good hand-eye coordination and he's had some balls come his way. I just wish he'd get his hands on more balls and pick one off . . . Sometimes you see it, but you don't trust it and go get it.

    We're trying to sell him. He's got to make up his mind if he wants to pursue this, and I hope he does because I think with his size and hand-eye coordination he could help. The learning curve will be fast, but I think he can pick it up pretty fast.

    These players are technicians. Do they have the power, the strength, that you see in the athletes in the States and other countries No. Baseball is a game of fine motor skills. Asian players possess that. These are very good fielders, accurate throwers, hand-eye coordination guys, hit-and-run guys. They execute and that's how the Atlanta Braves win baseball games.

    What I attribute that to is he has tremendous hand-eye coordination. He can pick up the velocity, the spin, the location of a pitch out of the pitcher's hand quicker than most guys at the college level.

    With what Barry Bonds might accomplish this year, I think (the steroid allegations) taint it a little bit. How many would he have really hit now It's not going to improve his hand-eye coordination, but would the baseball have gone that far if he wouldn't have been using steroids.

    Tory has great hand-eye coordination and great anticipation of the football. He's taken that job, and the pressure of it and the short memory that you've got to have at that position, and become very good at it. He's a great student of the game.

    Dakoda has the best hand-eye skill of any athlete I've ever worked with. People are going to see that and say that she's gifted. But that doesn't come by birth. She's very structured in how she works. I think she's right up there with ome of the others I've been around.

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