Quotes about handler (16 Quotes)

    Look it, I've done it their way this far and now it's my turn. I'm my own handler. Any questions Ask me... There's not going to be any more handler stories because I'm the handler... I'm Doctor Spin.

    We're looking to have a good season. Everyone (on the team) is a pretty capable handler. Right now we're getting the cobwebs out and getting back into our routine.

    We heard that Bald Knob didn't get rattled by the press, but that's just our style. That's what we do. We didn't have any choice. We had to do what we do best. We tried to trap at half court and put as much pressure on the ball handler as we can and we've had some success in the second half of the season with it.

    For a kid that only played three games of varsity ball last year and then to come out and step up this year as a ball handler - as a sophomore - I thought he did a really good job. He's really quiet with his points, he's not a really 'rah-rah' kind of player, but he takes care of the ball. He knows where the ball is supposed to go. He sees the floor very well. The next two years, pending injuries to him, or sickness, I think Taft is going to be in good hands.

    CHICAGO Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders.

    He was a rare one only 5 feet 7 inches tall, a lawyer and a combat veteran of the Korean War as a Marine officer. Eddie came from Washington in a trade in 1960 and ran the team in the first years while Don Meredith was learning. He was such a fantastic ball handler that even with sorry protection and the defensive line crashing in on him he threw a lot of beautiful long passes. The ball would fly out of the crowd like a mortar shell and sail 50 yards downfield. Eddie did everything by the numbers. If the receiver wasn't there, we knew whose fault it was.

    A normal show would cost somebody to have a professional handler, about 75 a show. At Westminster, because the handlers are all champions, the fees can more than double. Probably more like 200.

    What's the most important thing to remember at the VMAs if you're a petulant young rocker Black eyeliner. Think Goth, not gay. The boys from Fall Out Boy were comfortable enough to wear it with panache (lead singer Patrick Stump said he was wearing a jacket he charmed off a waiter in New York). Also some members of The Bravery wore a smoky eye with their punk-meets-prep stovepipe pants and pinstripe skinny jackets. I didn't get to the dry cleaners, ... I was still asleep at 5 p.m. and this guy gesturing to a handler wakes me up and said, I want you to tape this to your taint and come on out.'

    I'm sure our members would be behind this. I wouldn't call it a sport or a game, because meetings are an important part of the dog breeding process. But I think it is an exciting event for spectators, because no matter how skilled the dog handler is, you never know what's going to happen when those five sheep come out of the pen. In front of the crowds, there's a lot of pressure, just like any other sport.

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