Quotes about happy-go-lucky (15 Quotes)

    Looking back, I realize that this period of my life has irrevocably come to a close; my happy-go-lucky, carefree schooldays are gone forever. I don't even miss them. I've outgrown them. I can no longer just kid around, since my serious side is always there.

    It used to upset me because I felt like she didn't care one way or another. Now I know that she cares about the game. She's just a happy-go-lucky person. Nothing is going to worry her.

    He matured big-time after the first week. He used to be kind of a happy-go-lucky guy. Every now and then you would turn and see him goofing off with guys. You don't see that anymore. There is a whole different maturity with him now as far as focus.

    There are expectations to have a better playoff than last time -- there's only one way to do that. Last time, there was more of a happy-go-lucky feeling. We expected success, but we didn't demand it. Going in, it's a more mature team, a more mature outlook.

    We ran a whole lot with him. I don't remember him ever causing any trouble, running over anybody or beating on anybody's head as far as Cup racing. I guess they'll remember him as a happy-go-lucky guy. That was my perspective of him.

    Manny is a strange guy. Outward, he's happy-go-lucky. On the inside, he's got a lot of conspiracy theories going on. Obviously, Manny might be one of those guys when he's 50 years old he might be in his house with all the blinds shut and looking out and the CIA is after him. You don't know, man. You don't know what's going on his head.

    They are quite a bit different. Ryan was and is a happy-go-lucky guy. He loved to compete, but he was a little more easy going. Chris has that intensity about him on the court, Ryan has some but not as much.

    I came on to the film with a very happy-go-lucky attitude which I think my character, Charlie, did when she went into the house. I expected it to be good, and then slowly things started to change for us all.

    I don't feel any pressure from fans. But I'm always in some kind of state of emotional turmoil. I would not describe myself as happy-go-lucky. That's not to say that I'm not happy.

    He was just always a very optimistic guyalways very happy-go-lucky. Hed always brighten your day up, thats for sure. Hes the kind of guy where a horse could run horrible, and hed have something good to say about it. The glass was always half full.

    It's tough to meet a guy better than him. He was always happy-go-lucky, even when he came down with glaucoma. That was one of the best speeches I've ever heard. He told people don't feel sorry for him. He enjoyed the game, he enjoyed every minute of it. That's why he played every game as if it was his last because you never know when that day is going to come. That's the way he played.

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