Quotes about hard-liners (6 Quotes)

    to determine if they have committed the kind of crimes that make them of particular interest to the coalition or if they are ... people who are late joiners, if they are people who are merely sympathizers who have been brought into this and caught up in the process if they are the hard-liners or people with blood on their hands.

    For (anti-illegal immigration hard-liners), it's going to rigidify folks and make them even more angry. It will give a rallying cry and calling card to those on the other side, and a lot of Americans are getting an education along the way.

    Turkey has made important progress in reforming restrictive media laws as it seeks to join the European Union, and the court should not allow hard-liners to take the country backward. We urge the court to dismiss all charges against these journalists.

    The US will not solve the nuclear problem by threatening military strikes or by dragging Iran before the UN Security Council. Although a vast majority of Iranians despise the country's hard-liners and wish for their downfall, they also support its nuclear program because it has become a source of pride for an old nation with a glorious history.

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