Quotes about hardball (15 Quotes)

    There is a perception that he's trying to take advantage - and he is. But this is not a social tea, this is hardball politics, this is a bare-knuckle brawl in the real world. You do what you have to within the bounds of the law.

    It's now clear that Rove and Libby, from what's available in the public record, used their positions to engage in a defamatory campaign against me and my wife, ... This was not just political hardball. It was pure and simple character assassination.

    I think everyone knows he made a mistake. If he could have just stepped back and said, 'I tried to play hardball and it didn't work. This is where I want to be . . . greatest place in the world . . . love these fans . . . I started here, want to end here . . . sorry for all the miscommunication.'

    It's clearly a strategy -- Trujillo has said from his first day in Australia that regulation is a prime focus, he's adopted a confrontational style and both he and the government are playing hardball,

    Now Prime Minister Dick Cheney has taken the anti-global warming crusade one giant step further. Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball ... If you're really serious about greenhouse gases, one of the solutions to that problem is to go back and let's take another look at nuclear power, use that to generate electricity without having any adverse consequences.

    We're not playing hardball here, ... We've got to make sure that we're spending our dollars wisely. If we come in with too little, too late, and they look at the agreement that we're drafting and that's unacceptable to them, then we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

    This is the epicenter of a national debate on how we conduct the public's business. He believes in a hardball, win at any cost version of slash-and-burn politics that I think is wrong.

    This is an administration that was trying to play hardball at every level, ... And that's what they were doing with Wilson. And he of course was playing hardball, too. It was an ugly back and forth.

    I'm absolutely flabbergasted. Who could possibly motivate others to provide phony affidavits like that ... They're playing hardball, there's no question about that. But I assume even in New Jersey, they need evidence to charge people.

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