Quotes about harried (8 Quotes)

    The care of children. . . is infinitely better left to the best-trained practitioners of both sexes who have chosen it as a vocation, rather than to harried and all too frequently unhappy persons with little time or taste for the work of educating minds.

    It's a wide, wide world and you are surrounded by in large, even in the harried times in which we live, you are surrounded by nature. And guess what We are not we are certainly different than the eagles but in fact, we are as dependant on mother earth as are they.

    So what that translates to is that you have a very rushed and harried FedEx or delivery person, who is neither trained nor licensed to deliver alcohol, whose job it is to move as many boxes in the shortest amount of time. This is not conducive to slowing down, stopping to check an ID and, if no one is home, as many parents aren't during the day, the product is handed to anybody at the door who may or may not sign for it and, in many cases, the alcohol is just left for anybody to retrieve. That is not how society is set up for alcohol to be sold.

    Burke was industrious throughout. He chased and harried, sought the ball at every turn and set up a goal. You'd be slow to hail his performance as a new dawn in his brief, stop-start career but it was exciting all the same. He was called ashore after 55 minutes, a move that was badly received by the Rangers supporters, a section of whom booed the substitution. The fans got their wires crossed a bit there, ... It wasn't tactical. He sparked the place today but five minutes into the second half he was dead on his feet. Knackered.

    I am looking at it from the point of view of a harried user, which I am, and I believe that I am much more like the typical non-technical harried user than I am like the people who smoothly operate everything.

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