Quotes about hartford (16 Quotes)

    We are committed to improving the lives of women who have or who have had breast cancer. Whether it's enhancing their family's financial security by making life insurance more affordable -- or helping them physically and emotionally recover from fighting the disease -- The Hartford wants to make a difference.

    Now is not the time to bring in a town manager who would feel compelled to bring in their own people because we want to retain the first class management team that we already have in West Hartford. This selection brings protection to taxpayer money because no spending is needed to conduct a national search for a candidate.

    This is our 36th anniversary at our present location in West Hartford - which we plan to celebrate with a gala dinner honoring State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on June 25. We plan on being here for a long time, and we will continue to play an important role in the community.

    Hartford jumped out to a 2-0 lead and then we tied it up 2-2. Then they went ahead 3-2 in the second period, and we tied it in the third with five minutes left, and then Tyler scored the winning goal.

    Superior Access charged these fees without authorization from Hartford. We are in discussion with the California Department of Insurance to resolve this matter.

    He was discovered not to be living in Hartford, but West Hartford. An incorrect address was listed. It was no fault of the school administration because they really did all they could to find out where kids are living.

    We all understand the concept of insuring tangible assets such as our home and our vehicle against loss. What too few people realize is that a nest egg can be 'insured.' The simple fact is that we need to begin 'insuring' our retirement assets in the same way we do our treasured belongings. The Hartford continues to take a lead role in developing income and longevity solutions to help our clients, along with the education to put everything in the proper context.

    Maybe it is the war or the movies or because this generation was bred on radio comedy, but I found out that they want bombastic stuff with a lot of drive. They have little time for whimsy. It varies, of course, from town to town. The Hartford audience was sharper on some things than the Buffalo audience. Political jokes go, depending upon how the community votes. A Negro audience will pick up subtle comedy quicker than anyone else.

    Financial independence in women's basketball is a goal of mine and should be a goal of all coaches. If any of us can guarantee the financial rewards that Hartford can, than we should talk about moving it. But until then, they've created it and we should all ride it.

    It will probably be one of the biggest funerals in Hartford, but not all of it will have to do with boxing. It's because of the millions of things he did for people in Hartford. He helped people all over the city.

    When I was at Hartford in Connecticut, where I lived during the war, I published several pieces which were well received, not only by those of my own colour, but by a number of the white people, who thought they might do good among their servants.

    Hartford Quantum II is our latest product within a new and innovative generation of life insurance policies that The Hartford has introduced to the market. Consumers today first and foremost want guaranteed death benefit protection. But they also understand the need for tax-advantaged asset accumulation. Our new hybrid policy provides the opportunity for both.

    I went to see Pam in intensive care at Hartford Hospital a few days after the accident. Her mom was waiting outside for me and said, 'The prognosis isn't very good and we will understand if you need to pull the scholarship.

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