Quotes about hawaiian (15 Quotes)

    The question of whether or not Congress has the authority to federally recognize a Native Hawaiian governing entity is an issue that has yet to be ruled on by the courts,

    we dodged a legal bullet, and this bullet is aimed at the heart of the programs that benefit the Hawaiian people and thereby bring benefits to the state of Hawaii.

    It is not only for musicians. We would have called it the Aloha Camp, but there was already a camp with that name ... This camp is for anyone who is interested in Hawaii and Hawaiian culture.

    The reef acted as the foundation of Hawaiian life in ancient times, and continues to be an important part of our modern lifestyle. If the reef is to remain a viable ecosystem, it must be respected and nurtured. Today it needs our care.

    We are extremely excited to be able to give away this U2 Hawaiian Package because it feels so rewarding to be able to give back to our active duty military personnel or veterans who have served for our country.

    Griffin had the best of starts. Growing up in a musical family, he took up the piano at the tender age of six, and progressed through a variety of instruments, including Hawaiian steel guitar, clarinet, oboe and English horn, before eventually settling for tenor saxophone. My father played cornet and my mother played piano and sang in a church choir, ... There was always music in the house - jazz, gospel and other stuff, especially jazz.

    The improvement is a result of our successful acquisition strategy and solid internal growth in both our Bank of the West and First Hawaiian Bank subsidiaries.

    Cultivating that diversity in the passing attack was mandatory. Moss entered the game with more than twice as many receiving yards as anyone else on the roster, catching 10 balls of 30 yards or more in the first six games, equaling Washington's entire output from 2004. But as the weeks went by, the Redskins knew those plays might dry up. You have to know what teams are going to give you, ... and you can't just sit back and beat them with the Hawaiian punch every week.

    On December 5, 1941, Chicago led a task force built around the carrier Lexington to Midway Island, at the western end of the Hawaiian Islands, about 1,000 miles from Pearl Harbor.

    All he did was make money the guy couldn't miss. He finally ended up in Hawaii, where he bought most of Maui just before the 707 came in and jet travel was possible. All of a sudden Hawaiian real estate mattered, and he had all of it.

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