Quotes about heartburn (14 Quotes)

    Obesity may also play a role in the disease. No one is really sure, ... In the West, body mass index is increasing, and it's thought that by becoming obese, people are more predisposed to getting heartburn.

    We are so thrilled to be partnering with Prilosec OTC to celebrate this year's CMA Awards, ... We look forward to bringing the joy of Country Music as well as some heartburn education to people across the country.

    I finally got to the point during the season when at lunch I couldn't swallow. I had heartburn for quite a while, but it just kept getting worse and worse. When I couldn't swallow and food was actually coming back up, I knew the problem was more than simple heartburn.

    People are seeing immigration as a negative. That's a shame, because if it's done right, it's a positive. Americans believe in reasonable legal immigration, but they have major heartburn with people breaking the law.

    I would get a sour taste in my mouth and experience heartburn quite often, so I took antacids. But as time went on, the antacids helped less and less. For a long time, I tried to take care of the problem before the problem finally got so bad that I went to see a doctor.

    I have some heartburn with maybe doing some partial or full property tax shifts on this. It's become pretty apparent to me as I've been dealing with this ... there will be more states over next few years going to a unified statewide rate because of problems they're experiencing with their sales tax. We have states now above 12 percent with sales tax with most of their consumable goods.

    The fact that they decided to go ahead with two casinos shows that they are pretty desperate to bring in dollars. It must have given them a lot of heartburn to reverse their opposition to vice.

    We understood the difference of trying to recognize the difference between really a pet and livestock, and we appreciate the patience, and we're sorry for the heartburn I know it must've caused you and the confusion, but we took action,

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