Quotes about helmet (15 Quotes)

    I started looking at small companies that were running a sort of virtual reality cottage industry: I had imagined that I would just put on a helmet and be somewhere else - that's your dream of what it's going to be.

    Sport can be used for messaging, for example, making the connections between shin guards or a helmet that protects you, and protection in terms of HIV and AIDS. There has also been a very active program in Africa called 'Kick Polio out of Africa,' where soccer players have spoken out in terms of polio. There is also going to be a swim for malaria.

    Helmet was joined to helmet, and spear to spear, and jewels, baggage, and elephants without number went with them, and you would have said it was a host that none could understand.

    She left the web, she left the loom, She made three paces thro' the room, She saw the water-lily bloom, She saw the helmet and the plume, She looked down to Camelot. Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror cracked from side to sid.

    When he's out there in a jersey and helmet, it will be fun to see. ... He's an overachiever who's always going one million miles an hour. He'll give us a physical and mental lift, and the fans will appreciate seeing him back on the field.

    I ran out of gas when I got into the garage area, and Jimmy Spencer ran into the back of my car. I was still in the car when he approached me with obvious anger. Words were exchanged, but I was still strapped in my seat with my helmet off when he struck me in the face. He broke my tooth and bloodied my nose.

    Napoleon's troops fought in bright fields, where every helmet caught some gleams of glory but the British soldier conquered under the cool shade of aristocracy. No honours awaited his daring, no despatch gave his name to the applauses of his countrymen his life of danger and hardship was uncheered by hope, his death unnoticed.

    I'm not suggesting for one moment that we stop professional football. If I said that, I better leave the country, ... I think more attention should be paid by scientists and biomechanical engineers in coming up with a better helmet.

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