Quotes about hesitated (16 Quotes)

    If, amid the multitude of contending counsel, you have hesitated and doubted; if, when a great measure suggested itself, you have shrunk from the vast responsibility, afraid to go forward lest you should go wrong, what wonder?

    Luck means the hardships and privations which you have not hesitated to endure, the long nights you have devoted to work. Luck means the appointments you have never failed to keep the trains you have never failed to catch.

    (We) will miss Brett's skill, his scoring touch and his fun-loving attitude, ... He was a splendid athlete, a passionate player and someone who never hesitated to speak his mind.

    We looked for an equilibrium point that would provide a peace for generations, ... but unfortunately Arafat somehow hesitated to take the historic decisions.

    Tim made a nice attack on the run up, held a heavy pace, and kept it at the top, ... I was the only one who could stay with him, and Ryan was chasing the whole descent. He didn't catch us until the barriers coming into the startfinish. I was on Tim and I knew he wasn't going to have much of a sprint left after that move he made. I was hoping to get behind Ryan at some point before the final turn. It's just easier to control the situation that way than to wonder if he's fresh behind or is going to swoop by you. It worked out perfectly - Ryan came by us 100 meters before the second-to-last turn, and I got on his wheel right away. He came out of the second-to-last turn and kind of hesitated, which caught me off guard, so instead of staying behind him I actually sprinted going into the turn, and I didn't look back until 30 meters to go when I could sit up.

    When he started to think that people could believe his model could become true then the campaign was weakened. People hesitated. They started to think if they would have to pay more tax than before.

    Doug Allen, owner of Eagle's Nest Cabins Homes, hesitated to comment Monday, saying he's trying to move forward with his life. We had our day in court, and that's all, ... It's been a long haul, and I don't think we're quite over this.

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