Quotes about hiccups (15 Quotes)

    He's a young pitcher. He's going to have hiccups, but stuff-wise he has been very impressive. He's going to give up some hits here. I bet he walks somebody and I bet he strikes somebody out.

    I think they're definitely looking for asset management companies in the U. S.. Certainly, they have a shareholder base that's confident of their ability to do a large acquisition without any hiccups.

    Much of Avon's premium valuation is built on the market's expectation that the firm will continue to tick off positive financial results with the precision of a fine watch. While we think Avon has a stable business model, it's not immune to business hiccups.

    At the very least, I have to have very good visibility into my contract manufacturer in China as to any quality hiccups that might affect me. I need to get early warning of those, and potentially I may have to source locally to remain responsive to fluctuations in demand.

    The idea behind Software as a Service is ultimately that the buyer shouldn't have to worry about the software or the infrastructure but you need to understand who the hosting partner is. In the long term, that goes away as hiccups get ironed out, but for the time being we're suggesting to customers they understand what's going on behind the scenes. SAP going with IBM was smart because it brings instant credibility.

    We have talented guys, and my job really is to get those people the football. As a backup, you just want to go in and not have any hiccups when the starter is out of the game. Just move the ball and have things work. It's like being an offensive lineman in some ways -- you don't want to be noticed. That's fine with me. I don't need a lot of attention, don't want it.

    It's not an easy task building a motorcycle company. Your window for success is relatively small. You can't afford a lot of hiccups if you don't have another business supporting you.

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