Quotes about high-priced (14 Quotes)

    The last thing these people need is to be conned into turning over half their inheritance to some high-priced loan shark without having any idea what fees they're going to be charged.

    Wildness and silence disappeared from the countryside, sweetness fell from the air, not because anyone wished them to vanish or fall but because throughways had to floor the meadows with cement to carry the automobiles which advancing technology produced. Tropical beaches turned into high-priced slums where thousand-room hotels elbowed each other for glimpses of once-famous surf not because those who loved the beaches wanted them there but because enormous jets could bring a million tourists every year -- and therefore did.

    As (electronic components) drop in price and as consumers are willing to spend a little more money, that opens a lot more technology to children. That encourages the toy industry to take more risk at high-priced toys.

    I knew I was dog meat. Luckily, I'm the high-priced dog meat that everybody wants. I'm the good-quality dog meat. I'm the Alpo of the NBA.

    This is a pretty high-priced policy. It depends how nervous you are about life. A wedding can get canceled -- as the death of J.F.K. (John F. Kennedy) Jr. proved -- but those things don't happen every day.

    Making sure people know about options to the high-priced brand name drugs could mean a world a difference for many New Yorkers, especially those who pay full retail for their drugs. We are fighting to ensure the drug that ends up in your medicine cabinet is the very best one for you.

    Users of high-priced cards should pay high charges if they want their frequent flier miles and other perquisites. But consumers should be able to avoid those charges if they choose, by using low-priced cards.

    There's a strong sensitivity now to interest rate increases, and high-priced stocks such as tech stocks are generally more sensitive to that.

    We still have a lot of problems on our plate. No matter who's president we still have Iraq, we still have high-priced oil, we still have the war on terrorism.

    You know, we had four great years because we had declining inflation and interest rates. There's been a sea change. We now have inflation and interest rates actually heading higher. That makes things entirely different - you can't get away with high-priced earnings or overvalued stocks and so we're going through this adjustment to a new reality.

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