Quotes about high-ranking (15 Quotes)

    When this is all over, this will be bigger than any (government scandal) in the last 50 years, both in the amount of people involved and the breadth to it. It will include high-ranking members of Congress and executive branch officials.

    The fear of kidnapping has been the main reason for learning deficiencies, especially among children whose parents are government employees or high-ranking professionals like doctors and teachers.

    This is a good opportunity for the government to prove that everyone is equal before the law whether they are high-ranking ministers or prominent businessmen.

    The president made a very strong commitment, and we're following through on that commitment. He has visited the Gulf Coast a number of times, as have a number of our Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking officials in the administration, and we will continue to visit the Gulf Coast region.

    In the heated discussion of the US-China relations within the United States in the first half of this year, US President Bush, State Secretary Rice and other high-ranking officials showed their sincerity and goodwill to respond to the Chinese side as they take the overall situation of the bilateral ties into consideration.

    Law schools have been producing high-ranking female graduates for over a decade. For example, Maureen Mahoney partner at Latham Watkins and a former deputy solicitor general is one of the most excellent Supreme Court advocates. The mere fact she is not sitting on the District of Columbia Circuit ought not to disqualify her.

    This is a poster child for what's wrong with the Republican Party. Here's a guy who's supposed to be a high-ranking officer of the Republican Party, yet he's paid an 809,000 commission to lobby on behalf of the Democratic governor's bond debt deal.

    This document suggests that Task Force 6-26 was part of a larger, clandestine program that we think may have links with high-ranking officials, because obviously someone high up had the authority to put this program in place.

    These images speak volumes about the responsibility borne by high-ranking officials for the widespread abuse of detainees held in United States custody abroad.

    At 517 p.m. Eastern time, seven hours after the President's speech has begun, New York officials disclose a bomb threat to the city's subway system based on information supplied by the federal government. A Homeland Security spokesman says the intelligence upon which the disclosure is based is of doubtful credibility. And it later proves that New York City had known of the threat for at least three days and had increased police presence in the subways long before making the announcement at that particular time. Local New York television station WNBC reports it had the story of the threats days in advance of the announcement but was asked by high-ranking federal officials in New York and Washington to hold off on its story. Less than four days after having revealed the threat, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York says, 'Since the period of the threat now seems to be passing, I think over the immediate future we'll slowly be winding down the enhanced security.' While news organizations ranging from the New York Post to NBC News quotes sources who say there was reason to believe the informant who triggered the warning simply made it up, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official tells the New York Times, quote, 'there was no there there.'

    We're still hopeful he'll agree to testify, ... If he declines, we have a very important hearing next week and we'll go ahead without him. Ford has been very cooperative in providing information. They've offered two very high-ranking officials (to testify). We'll see what they have to say. One way or another we'll get to the bottom of this.

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