Quotes about high-wage (15 Quotes)

    It's a huge race to the bottom in terms of what companies are doing to their workers. Communities in this country are losing good-paying manufacturing jobs. And there's more of a loss of white-collar jobs in engineering, information technology, call centers, help desks. Nothing's insulated or protected from this fast-paced movement of capital out of the high-wage, industrialized countries of the world.

    New Mexico is launching a new era of opportunity that will bring with it high-wage jobs and economic growth, particularly for southern New Mexico, ... It is a cutting edge initiative that will help us continue to move our state forward.

    NAFTA recognizes the reality of today's economy - globalization and technology. Our future is not in competing at the low-level wage job; it is in creating high-wage, new technology jobs based on our skills and our productivity.

    I know where the men are. They are in fire science, they are in the criminal justice academy, they are in the paramedic program and they are in auto tech. I get written up every year because I can't get enough women in those careers that are all high-skilled and high-wage.

    The real goal is to attract business and create new high-wage, high-tech jobs here in the future. We want to ensure that people can live and work in the area.

    Having state-of-the-art training for our workforce will stimulate the creation of high-wage, high-skill jobs in what is regarded as a clean industry. It's definitely a win-win scenario.

    Conventional wisdom has it that globalization is a win-win but that is increasingly looking like a pipe dream. There is no escaping the concerns that workers in high-wage countries have.

    In terms of business growth and economic development - there are really two ways to develop a strong economy - an economy made up of high-wage, high-value jobs that are diverse enough to ensure that the region prospers in any type of economy. One of those ways is to attract new companies or operations to our region. The other way is to focus on helping companies who are already here grow and prosper.

    In each instance, when we were talking about this, we were told that the high-wage jobs were going to stay here and that we were going to give the lower-paying jobs, the jobs that Americans did not want, we would let them go to China.

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