Quotes about hinterland (4 Quotes)

    Reality shows that, contrary to other countries in southern Africa, we have no basis for a classical guerilla struggle. We have never had a hinterland, and we do not expect to.

    The challenge for our diplomacy lies in convincing our neighbors that India is an opportunity and not a threat. Far from being besieged by India, they have a vast, productive hinterland that would give their economies far greater opportunities for growth than if they were to rely on their domestic markets alone.

    The plan, the idea, the concept is to isolate Jerusalem from the Palestinian hinterland, and to say -- at the very least - - if we agree to some kind of mini-Palestinian state, it won't be with a capital in Jerusalem.

    There is more happening today in the urban and developed part of New Jersey than has happened in the last several decades. A lot of that is in part because of the success of defending the environment out in the hinterland.

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