Quotes about hires (16 Quotes)

    You cant build a great company without great people. But how do you know them when you see them Over the past few years, a number of companies in a wide range of industries from airlines to steel, computers to hotels have asked themselves what separates their winners from their losers, good hires from bad, and they all arrived at the same answer what people know is less important than who they are. Hiring, they believe, is not about finding people with the right experience its about finding people with the right mind-set. These companies hire for attitude and train for skill.

    They bring enormous baseball experience to the table, ... Their hires and reorganization will allow us to prepare for and handle every situation that arises in the baseball operations area.

    If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.

    We have very competitive benefit plans at Alcoa, and we periodically evaluate the level of competitiveness to ensure our plans are in line with the marketplace. We will move to a defined contribution system for new hires - a contribution to a 401(k) plan of three percent of salary and bonus, in addition to our match programs on the first six percent contributed - that gives employees significant flexibility and portability of their retirement savings.

    These practices should include a thorough background check of all new hires. The employer makes a discretionary decision on whether to hire a prospective employee with a criminal history. The (Health) Department would promptly investigate any complaint where there was evidence a resident was a victim of abuse.

    The perception has been growing that it is better that there be a clear line of distinction between the people the board hires and the people hired by the corporation.

    We are moving ahead with these four additional hires and we are in the recruitment process now. We are going to the legislature to ask them to ratify this move that we're making.

    In recent years, IBM has been following a global strategy to move toward defined-contribution retirement plans for both existing employees and new hires. These changes are consistent with this direction and will give us more predictable retirement plan costs, along with benefits that remain ahead of but more in line with our competitors.

    The next time you want to hires someone and are evaluating performance and skill sets, look at the person's ability to get ready fast. When has she been really surprised (positively or negatively) How long did it take her to integrate it and navigate a positive response.

    If a chieftain or a man leave his house, garden, and field and hires it out, and some one else takes possession of his house, garden, and field and uses it for three years if the first owner return and claims his house, garden, and field, it shall not be given to him, but he who has taken possession of it and used it shall continue to use it.

    It is not clear to me how much of an impact the declining I.T. student enrollment will have. Many of our technical people received their education at community colleges, vocational schools or through on-the-job training as they shift careers. I don't know how many of our recent hires have followed a computer science path through college,

    Over the past four seasons of The Apprentice , Donald Trump has used the final episode to hire candidates with advice only from George and Carolyn. This year we thought it would be interesting to discover what America has to say about the candidates, incorporating our fans and viewers as virtual judges. While Trump will still be the final arbiter of who he hires, America's feedback is certain to have an impact on his decision.

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