Quotes about ho-hum (12 Quotes)

    I think it's a bit ho-hum. It's not a bad number, but if you open stores at 5 in the morning and give away free breakfasts and 4.3 is all you can do, in the most aggressive day-after-Thanksgiving campaign ever mounted by anyone, I think it says that the consumer doesn't have the money to spend.

    Until Thanksgiving, it was looking like a fairly ho-hum year in the area of e- mail viruses, and then the Sober variant broke out, and it set every record in the books for the sheer number of copies of it that we detected and blocked and its ability to propagate itself. It was unprecedented.

    It was just a game of our mistakes and not being able to execute the things we practiced all week, ... I thought we were evenly matched. It was just a ho-hum performance.

    These two companies gave a must-have lesson for all retailers, ... Sharper Image combed the globe for unusual and exciting products that weren't run-off-the-mill ... Retailers made the mistake of taking customers for granted and the payoff came two weeks ago in much weaker Christmas sales because of ho-hum kind of merchandise.

    The conditions were perfect for scoring. It was there to be had if you hit the shots. I got off to a ho-hum start and then I got it going (with a birdie at the par-5 fourth). I thought someone could shoot 59 at the start of the day.

    Citigroup was disappointing and financials are the worst performing group today. You pair that with weakness in technology and energy -- the two leaders for the market over the last eight weeks -- and you have sort of a ho-hum day.

    A terrible problem for retailers is that most stores are evoking yawns from consumers, instead of excitement. Retailers just can't keep making the mistake of taking customers for granted by selling ho-hum kind of merchandise. Consumers are looking for unusual and exciting products and they're not finding them.

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