Quotes about humpy (3 Quotes)

    Generally tracks get faster, temporarily, after they are resurfaced. Then they go back to normal. If there is a problem, we're staying in close touch with Humpy and the people at Lowe's and we'll deal with it.

    The qualifying went from two laps to three laps and then to four laps, stuff like that, hoping I'd mess up one lap and not get it, ... Then, they changed the track, took that hump out of (Turns) 3 and 4. Humpy said, 'I've got you now.' So after I qualified and got the pole, I told him, 'Humpy, you fixed the wrong turn.' And he did.

    Humpy has tried to make it better ... but he shouldn't have tried to manipulate this racetrack in the first place. I don't know why it had to be more exciting for the fans than it was, because it was a great racetrack.

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