Quotes about hurricane-related (7 Quotes)

    Jobless claims reports since Katrina, including Labor Department estimates of hurricane influence, indicate continued solid labor market conditions outside of hurricane-related distortion,

    It's all location dependent. In the northern half of the states, it will be minimal. But in areas prone to hurricane-related risks, it's likely that insurance will rise substantially, probably for several years.

    The fact that inflation picked up and caused the Fed to keep raising rates was (partly caused by) a hurricane-related surge in energy prices. There was a lot of worry created around mother nature. It threw everybody for a curve.

    Labor market weakness isn't spreading from the hurricane- affected areas to other areas of the country. We are starting to see hurricane-related claims drop off, and more important for the economic outlook, jobless claims excluding the hurricane effects remain low.

    We may want to wait for another month or so to be sure that such gains were truly reflective of a upward trend and not just a possible distortion arising from the temporary 'hurricane-related' loss of many lower-paying service sector jobs,

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