Quotes about hutchison (16 Quotes)

    Shares of Cheung Kong (Holdings) was up 4.56 percent at HK74.50. Cheung Kong is playing catch up with Hutchison, ... It's been a laggard over the past few weeks so investors are trying to narrow the gap with Hutchison.

    At a recent price of 23.60, Hutchison is selling at a hefty multiple of 16 times cash flow. Its price-to-earnings ratio is meaningless since it is currently posting a loss on the bottom line. For a more mature company, these valuations might be troubling, but since Hutchison is in such an extremely rapid growth phase, traditional valuation analysis is a difficult exercise. If you wait for the ratios to make sense, you'll miss the opportunity.

    The other network operators are starting to get their story together so they can take the fight back to Hutchison and try to take the 3G mindshare back from them. The gloves are off. We're going to see aggressive competition for 3G.

    I think it (Hutchison) was being driven down by the heavy cost of third generation mobile phone licenses and the stock is also affected by some profit-taking.

    Without deferred tax credits, Hutchison needs to book exceptional gains this year to keep profits firmly in the black. We hope that this spurs the company into more corporate activity.

    There's even a couple of players from the 1950 Lou Ball (clothing store) junior B team. We hoping to get guys who were junior B stars like Dave Simpson, Bill Armstrong, Dave Hutchison. That ought to make it interesting.

    On Sunday, Republicans appeared to be preparing to blunt the impact of any charges. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas , speaking on the NBC news program Meet the Press, ... where they couldn't find a crime and they indict on something that she said about something that wasn't a crime.

    The market is down on Wall Street's performance but it may rebound from here because Hutchison and Cheung Kong don't seem to have too much downside and China Mobile's share price in the U.S. didn't fall too sharply overnight,

    The market thinks the note issue is slightly positive for Hutchison because it will help the company raise funds for third-generation mobile-phone ventures in Europe and the conversion price of the bonds is at a very good premium on the Vodafone share price,

    I believe these decisions will contribute to a better understanding of 3 Italia's business in the marketplace and will result in Hutchison shareholders to recognize the value of their investment in both 3 Italia and our other 3G businesses to go forward.

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