Quotes about hydrocarbons (12 Quotes)

    Of course, what we are announcing today is not an instant, magical transformation of the energy market. It is a very realistic, practical step in a new direction. For the foreseeable future, for decades to come, the world will need hydrocarbons, and we will continue to invest in order to produce and sell oil and gas in the cleanest, most efficient way possible,

    We will have an economy based on solidarity and reciprocity. We do not dismiss the presence of foreign investment, but we want it be real fresh investment to industrialize our hydrocarbons, all under state control.

    Just at it did when the Great Game was played out in the decades leading up to the First World War, ongoing industrialization is setting off a scramble for natural resources. The coming century could be marked by recurrent resource wars, as the great powers struggle for control of the world's hydrocarbons.

    A single facility using the best liquid clear-coats in application equipment available today could emit 200 tons of hydrocarbons a year and create about 100 tons a year of over-spray sludge from clear-coat alone. These waste streams could be virtually eliminated with powder clear-coat.

    We will nationalize the natural resources, gas and hydrocarbons. We are not going to nationalize the assets of the multinationals. Any state has the right to use its natural resources. We must establish new contracts with the oil companies based on equilibrium. We are going to guarantee the returns on their investment and their profits, but not looting and stealing.

    As a long-term business we should begin to look beyond that hydrocarbons, beyond petroleum - to the energy needs of the world over the next half century. And that is what we are doing, starting today.

    This will be the biggest contribution we will make. Many hydrocarbons are in higher abundance than one would expect, and there are many others we haven't identified yet.

    Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources.

    Without Russia's contribution, prices would rise even more. Some members of the EU meet 90 of their demands for gas with the help of Russian hydrocarbons and have no complaints so far. Everybody is happy. Russia is a reliable partner and has never failed

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