Quotes about iaea (16 Quotes)

    The position that India will take on this issue at the IAEA will be based on India's independent judgment, and we categorically reject any attempt to link this to the proposed India-U. S. agreement on civil nuclear energy cooperation.

    The Islamic Republic is serious in its intentions to master peaceful atom and considers it its legal right. We acknowledge that peaceful nuclear technology development should be carried out under IAEA supervision and are ready to closely cooperate with it in this direction.

    North Korea's action today, disputing arrangements for IAEA monitoring of the spent fuel rods, raises further serious concerns and belies North Korea's announced justification to produce electricity.

    Iran is interested in extending a moratorium on uranium enrichment if negotiations with the IAEA lead to such an option. If the U. S. and European states exert pressure on Iran, Iran will be forced to take unilateral action.

    The foreign secretary informed the US ambassador that India's vote on any possible resolution on the Iranian issue at the IAEA would be determined by India's own judgment of the merits of the case.

    While the activities of the Islamic Republic have always been peaceful and carried out under the supervision of the IAEA, the approval of this resolution puts the efficiency and independence of the agency under serious question.

    What we, the Russians and the EU-3 wants to see and what the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) wants to see is an Iranian cooperation. Does this statement by this one person constitute that At this point, it's hard to say. We will have to see.

    With Nigerian problems, uncertainty about the Iran nuclear program before the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) meeting next week, and the overhang of the Saudi attack and an OPEC meeting on the 8th, we are in for a lot of volatility in prices.

    Any possible action by the board of governors (of the IAEA) in informing the UN security council about Iran's nuclear project in their February meeting, as I said before, will trigger the government to cut all its voluntary measures as per the law.

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