Quotes about ifc (9 Quotes)

    The DRC has been successful recently at turning its economy around, from contraction in the early 2000s to estimated growth of seven per cent in 2005. This is particularly impressive considering the challenges this country has faced. The DRC is rich in human and natural resources, and IFC will continue to promote private sector development in support of the country's economic regeneration.

    This agreement isn't about simply collapsing distribution windows. IFC in Theaters is enabling independent filmmakers to reach a wider audience in a much more economical manner. The local cinema will always be the first home for film to many film lovers ... Now IFC and Comcast will provide independent films with a unique opportunity to extend and expand beyond traditional distribution means.

    We need to proceed with hearings. Obviously we haven't seen the IFC report x2014 it was leaked. But I just don't see how there can be put in place a museum that a year from now, or five years from now, could be hijacked by someone who wants to promote anti-American propaganda.

    Since June, we have offered the International Freedom Center (IFC) the time they needed to clarify their intentions and work with stakeholders to reach a consensus, ... Today there remains too much opposition, too much controversy over the programming of the IFC.

    The men started the process of becoming a recognized student organization at Tech. Once they received pending charter status from Tech, the colony petitioned IFC for provisional membership.

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