Quotes about ill-gotten (8 Quotes)

    Scott Richter was listed as one of the top three spammers in the world. Because of this litigation, he has fundamentally changed his practices and forfeited ill-gotten gains.

    My office will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the ill-gotten gains of those who engage in this conduct are returned to investors, that wrongdoers are held responsible, and that the appropriate reforms are implemented to halt this egregious activity,

    How is it that you stand on a moral footing to go after the U.N. when they're responsible for 15 percent maybe of the ill-gotten gains, and we were part and complicit of him getting 85 percent of the money

    We must sternly warn that those with ill-gotten wealth and those who use illegitimate means to reap staggering profits, destroy the order of the socialist market economy and disrupt market order, will meet legal punishment.

    Today's plea is the result of determined efforts by United States investigators and attorneys working to vindicate the trust the American people deserve to have in the institutions of their government, including the tax system that supports it. People who enrich themselves by engaging in illegal activities compound their crimes by failing to pay taxes on their ill-gotten gains.

    Atty. Yorac received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service in 2004 for her unyielding determination to recover 684 million ill-gotten wealth for the government, after 17 years of complex and intense litigation,

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