Quotes about impeding (12 Quotes)

    African leaders must put all possible pressure on the Sudanese government to stop impeding the effective operation of AMIS. The Sudanese government's continued attacks on civilians merit a tougher response from the African Union.

    It is a matter of exerting the greatest possible pressure on the Sudanese parties to bring them to honor the commitment made and to negotiate with the necessary flexibility the lasting resolution of the conflict. In this regard it is important for the PSC to reaffirm clearly its determination to request the UN Security Council to impose the appropriate sanctions on any party impeding the search for peace.

    It is important that we reduce regulations that are impeding job growth here in the state of California, whether you are talking about the lack of flexibility in overtime or family leave.

    They can tell us what are some of the poor practices that we are imposing on them that make the cost of doing business with us higher. What is impeding their ability to provide low total cost of ownership How can we identify and reduce waste and eliminate errors in our processes How do we get rid of inventory that is not value added.

    One has to be concerned with not impeding on two constitutional rights the right to petition the government, and the other, of course, is free speech. If you make it too difficult, too onerous, for people to express their views, you've gone too far.

    I'm sure that everybody will say that I'm just up here trying to complain, but I don't see how he could ever get to the basket. I don't care if he's 340 pounds. They get locked into such a defensive position that they just hold him. ... Impeding his progress. But he's got to find a way to get around that.

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