Quotes about implicated (16 Quotes)

    More than 300 genes have been implicated in the diabolical transformation of normal cells into cancer cells, and that has led to major insights into cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.

    Not so coincidentally, none of these companies have been implicated in the fund fiasco. It's a flight to quality, ... Investors as well as advisers are seeking out large, blue-chip fund companies that appear to have weathered the storm successfully.

    There is confusion regarding the position of the External Affairs Minister. We are trying for the membership of the Security Council of the United Nation. The UN has set up a high-level enquiry committee, which found the involvement of some companies of Switzerland, Italy and India, and after that Singh gave a statement that he is being implicated for supporting Saddam Hussein's regime.

    Long droughts have been implicated in the collapse of many ancient civilizations on virtually every continent, including our example in eastern Africa, the Mayan in Central America and many others.

    The fight implicated both the future of race relations and the prestige of two powerful nations. ... 'Louis represents democracy in its purest form the Negro boy who would be permitted to become a world champion without regard to race, creed or color,' a sportswriter from Boston had written that morning. 'Schmeling represents a country which does not recognize that idea or ideal.'

    would not have have resonated had it not been for the United States' extensive abuse of Muslim detainees and the government's failure to fully investigate all of those implicated.

    ADIOS relies on a statistical method for pattern extraction and on structured generalization two processes that have been implicated in language acquisition, ... Our experiments show that it can acquire intricate structures from raw data, including transcripts of parents' speech directed at two- or three-year-olds. This may eventually help researchers understand how children, who learn language in a similar item-by-item fashion and with very little supervision, eventually master the full complexities of their native tongue.

    The government, when it settles a case, ordinarily seeks jail times for officers and directors and high executives who are implicated in the conspiracy. I know that it is something that the government tries to get and will try to get it in this case, no doubt.

    We've long suspected that genomic changes underlie cancer risk, but that knowledge hasn't translated yet into a broadly applicable way to identify individuals most at risk. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes implicated in breast and ovarian cancers are great examples, but they are applicable only to a small percentage -- less than one percent -- of women.

    There has been a complete lack of political will, a total lack of commitment on the part of the government to uproot graft in this country. The people who were implicated in major corruption scandals are still key personalities in high-level civil service. Nothing is new. These people are still in office. They have not been touched.

    There are a few genes that have been implicated in the development of early-onset Alzheimer's disease, but other than APOE, no genes have been found that increase risk for the more common, late-onset form of the disease.

    Today's events put him in a position of having to defend the ethical status of the Bush administration, to the extent that he is implicated in the activities of Rove and Libby, ... It raises questions about the man who said he would bring an ethical tone back to Washington.

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