Quotes about inching (15 Quotes)

    The simple fact is that when I took up my little sling and aimed at Communism, I also hit something else. What I hit was the forces of that great socialist revolution, which, in the name of liberalism, spasmodically, incompletely, somewhat formlessly, always in the same direction, has been inching its ice cap over the nation for two decades. ...Though I knew it existed, I still had no adequate idea of its extent, the depth of its penetration or the fierce vindictiveness of its revolutionary temper, which is a reflex of it struggle to keep and advance its political power.

    For a while there we were inching closer and closer. Unfortunately the teams ahead of us were not losing. ... It's going to be hard to watch the playoffs because you want to be a part of it. I was watching hockey almost every day this year until we were out of it. Then I was not even interested in looking at it anymore.

    The housing market continues to be a bright spot in the Illinois economy. Residential real estate market activity has remained high despite interest rates inching upward. We are seeing increasing inventory across the state, so we should expect to see a greater balance between supply and demand in the coming months. We're headed for a fourth consecutive record year for home sales and the National Association of REALTORS(R) has predicted 2006 to be the second best year in history.

    Nate, especially, is a character, whose overall story arc has always been inching towards full acceptance of his own mortality. And what is the final step of acceptance of one's mortality It's death.

    It's slowly inching downward, which is the modus operandi of Devil's Slide. It doesn't slide quickly, but slowly and surely, until all of the water is out of the slide plain.

    We're inching down that path. But to make a sweeping statement that there's no need for coaching anymore wouldn't be accurate. Especially for women with an epidural anesthetic, it may be appropriate.

    Jimmie Johnson has been inching closer and closer the last three years (at Daytona). He's got a car that's capable, and he has a team that's very capable. He has the ability to take it upon himself to make the right moves down the stretch.

    As the game gets closer and closer, the rim gets a little smaller. We kept inching, inching, inching, and maybe they start to play a little tighter. The pressure's all on them.

    I can say yes to that. We've been inching, inching, inching. We finally did it tonight. I think tonight was a turning point for what we can do as a team. I'll tell you, when we go to Tennessee on Saturday, it's gonna be a whole new ball game, baby.

    As all carriers more aggressively promote subscription-based models, they are also testing price inelasticity by gradually inching up average pricing. To grow the market, carriers must work in tandem with publishers to provide real value for a more expensive subscription, rather than treating it as just another pricing tactic.

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