Quotes about indias (16 Quotes)

    The position that India will take on this issue at the IAEA will be based on India's independent judgment, and we categorically reject any attempt to link this to the proposed India-U. S. agreement on civil nuclear energy cooperation.

    We are a mixed economy. We will remain a mixed economy. The public and private sector will continue to play a very important role. The private sector in our country has very ample scope and I am confident that India's entrepreneurs have the capacity, and the will to rise to the occasion.

    The foreign secretary informed the US ambassador that India's vote on any possible resolution on the Iranian issue at the IAEA would be determined by India's own judgment of the merits of the case.

    We got government off the backs of the people of India, particularly off the backs of India's entrepreneurs. We introduced more competition, both internal competition and external competition. We simplified and rationalized the tax system. We made risk-taking much more attractive.

    Symphony Services' unprecedented growth over the past three years has been a direct result of our ability to capitalize on the rising demand in India for high-value work. By engaging in full lifecycle product development and analytics services, Symphony increasingly brings greater value to its clients and deepens its commitment to not only leading the world in these emerging categories, but to taking India's economy up the value chain with it.

    India's support this past weekend and next November, when Iran should finally be referred to the U. N. Security Council for action, will go a long way to cementing our new partnership. These actions will certainly promote positive consideration in Congress of the new U. S.-India agreement to expand peaceful nuclear cooperation between our two countries.

    There have been many predictions, mostly based on guesswork, that India's AIDS problem will explode -- as it did in southern Africa -- but we now have direct evidence of something positive. The good news is that HIV in young adults appears to be declining in the south -- most likely or perhaps only due to men keeping away from (sex workers) or using condoms more often when they do. The not-so-good news is that trends in the north remain uncertain and poorly studied.

    The fiscal position has to improve not just from the revenue front but also the expenditure side. At present, India's expenditure remains rigid, with spending on interest, salaries and pension limiting ability to spend on other critical areas.

    My top most priority is to deal with India's massive social and economic problems, so that chronic poverty, ignorance and disease can be conquered in a reasonably short period of time.

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