Quotes about infringement (16 Quotes)

    Napster's only alleged liability is for contributory or vicarious infringement. So when Napster's users engage in noncommercial sharing of music, is that activity copyright infringement? No.

    If the court finds a patent infringement, I assume there will be a royalty agreement, because that's what usually happens in these cases. A settlement is more likely than a shutdown. But, that said, both sides are really digging in their heels.

    We have significant concerns about the potential infringement on the right to associate. These kinds of costs would absolutely chill the public's ability to gather.

    I think there is a fast and loose game being played by many people who are aggregating video online and selling advertising on their Web sites. And I think that there will be a day of reckoning. I don't believe you can build a sustainable business on copyright infringement.

    Lawmakers must not forget their oaths and disregard the administration's infringement of average Americans' constitutional rights. The White House has repeatedly admitted to the use of warrant-less wiretaps and has yet to be held accountable. Checks and balances on presidential power are essential to protect the rights of Americans.

    When someone claims that we should make a security improvement at the expense of privacy or other values, we should apply ordinary analysis to make sure that the security payoff is really there. If we get little or no security improvement and a large infringement on free speech or other values, then we should be very careful. If there is a big security payoff, then we deserve to look at that more carefully,

    If we lose under California state law, which I don't expect, that is not the end of it. The next step would be a federal lawsuit based on infringement of the Second Amendment of the Constitution.

    The primary seat belt bill has something for everyone. If you are a humanitarian, you can feel good about saving upwards of 40 lives and preventing more than 400 injuries on an annual basis. If you are a fiscal conservative, you can feel good knowing this bill does not spend one single dime out of the state's general fund. If you are libertarian in nature, you can feel good about the fact that fewer deaths and injuries means less infringement on the health care system supported by tax payers.

    In some of the early Internet infringement cases, there was some tendency to 'baby' consumers by assuming that Internet users are stupid and that domain names can easily mislead them away from the Web sites of trademark holders.

    This case arises out of the government effort to protect children. But there will be other cases involving other crimes or national security or copyright infringement or other matters.

    In regards to The Haunting, people compared it to the old movie, which is unfair. We didn't have the rights to the movie. I couldn't duplicate a single thing because that would have been legal infringement.

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