Quotes about inhibitors (9 Quotes)

    My impression is that the oncology community has jumped on this category of drugs in lieu of tamoxifen in a huge number of people much too quickly. When aromatase inhibitors first came out and were tested, it was stage 3 and 4 women. Survival was clearly better than with tamoxifen. Now they're giving it to all these women with stage 1 and stage 0 cancer, who are likely to be cured, and they have no long-term data.

    Moreover the incorporation requires the same components needed for protein synthesis, and is inhibited by the same inhibitors. Thus the system is most unlikely to be a complete artefact and is very probably closely related to genuine protein synthesis.

    Triple reuptake inhibitors will be the next blockbusters in major depression. With their new mechanism of action, they're going to offer a clinical difference in efficacy or in tolerability.

    We also found that other drugs that have been proven to save lives are even less consistently used than aspirin, such as beta-blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs and ACE inhibitors. Our analysis showed that consistent use of these medicines could lead to significant reductions in risk for patients with coronary artery disease.

    The patients in our study who received the recommended doses of heparins or glycoprotein inhibitors alone or in combination had the lowest rates of bleeding. This suggests that the safety demonstrated in clinical trials may be attainable in community (hospital) setting with improved dosing accuracy.

    Donald Abrams, MD, also commented on the biased federal approach to research. In the late '90s Abrams conducted a federally funded study to determine the safety of smoked marijuana in AIDS patients taking protease inhibitors. At that time we could not use the federal government's marijuana to show that it might be beneficial because NIDA has a mandate from Congress that they could only supply marijuana for research to show that it might be dangerous, ... Subsequently NIDA has changed their mechanism so we can look for benefit.

    Security remains one of the foremost inhibitors to expanding wireless application use in the enterprise. We expect that within the next 1-2 years, 50-65 percent of companies deploying wireless applications, many of which have been deployed with minimal security built-in, will acquire tools that secure and manage those applications. Moreover, with an increasing array of different device types and platforms in use, companies will concentrate on suites that provide maximum platform support while integrating into the existing non-mobile security capabilities enabled in most organizations. Products like Good Mobile Defense enable badly needed enhanced security in enterprise wireless deployments.

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