Quotes about inject (15 Quotes)

    I thought that that was an effort to inject a popular element, a democratic element into the selection of a person who, once he is selected and confirmed, is beyond electoral control.

    I think male roles are generally much better written. So for actresses, we're always dealing with trying to inject a role with more truth than the writer possibly had in mind.

    We, needless to say, do not want to leave abruptly in a way that could inject an instability in this situation, which is why we're working with the interim government to see if we can be helpful in getting their army going and up to speed,

    The most effective model is a balance of both. A source of young talent to inject into your major league team is always beneficial. ... It's highly desirable. And I think as we move forward, you're going to see more of an infusion of players drafted and signed by the Cardinals.

    Survivor' is that rare television breed -- a show with seemingly endless audience appeal, ... Part of that is testament to a concept with inherent drama that features different faces and places the other part is the ability of Mark Burnett and his talented team to inject new ideas and new wrinkles to keep the format fresh.

    The Florida legislature has the opportunity to fix our broken legal system by passing reform legislation to stop abusive lawsuits and inject personal responsibility back into our courts. Florida citizens want to see fairness in our courts, not more junk lawsuits. Now is the time for citizens to urge their elected officials to take action.

    I don't care how many of these things I can inject into my body, am I going to be able to compete with Shaquille O'Neal on the basketball court No. Or would he be able to compete with me on the skating surface No. So there's a lot to just basic genetics, body style, physical stature, and then the mental capability, too. There's more to sports than just being big and strong and quick.

    Tonight was a great opportunity to take on the political status quo that has given us trillion dollar deficits and put millions out of work. Our objective was to inject some common sense into the conversation among Republicans at a time when business-as-usual simply won't work.

    This creates the possibility of an entirely new book-promotion event that will inject new life into the marketing of books and authors' relationship with their readers.

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