Quotes about ins (16 Quotes)

    With a young group, I think you really stay on top of things and you don't assume they know anything. So we've gone back to that again this year, really spelling out everything for them, making sure they know all the ropes, ins and outs of what's expected of them in practice and outside of practice.

    Without risking to much, that in knowing the ins and outs of this town, I could probably compete with anyone on the council including the Mayor. It's another normal campaign. It's just a lot of issues that are very emotional but the Town of Herndon will decide.

    This past year has been something else... it's opened my eyes to many things and many people. It's had its ups and downs and ins and outs. And I believe we've all been able to take something from that and grow in our own imparticular ways. We've over come obstacles, and set in motion opportunities that can change our own individual lives.

    We call upon the INS to take no precipitous actions between now and the time this appeal is heard because we think it is so clear that the rights of child have to be heard without further disruption, without further dislocation, without further trauma of any sort.

    It boils down to how quickly they feel comfortable with me and me becoming a well-rounded general manager. If I grasp everything, all the ins and outs of the collective bargaining agreement and contracts, I have a chance to move up.

    Through high school, college I've always been known as a heady football player. (At Michigan) we ran a very NFL-style defense and my defensive coordinator and linebacker coach (Jim) Herrmann threw a lot at us. He made me a student of the game and made me think and showed me the ins and outs.

    We ask the Justice Department and the INS to abide by its own standards and by international human rights standards in the treatment of these detainees, ... To treat detainees inhumanely is to risk breeding hostility and anger against us where before there may have been none.

    I don't know the ins and outs. I know Sol as a friend of mine from the England team. He's a great lad and we should not forget he has been an outstanding defender for his club and country for the last ten years - and he still is.

    It's tough in the Hip Hop industry to continue to create, because the powers that be want a throw away art. They didn't think Rap Music would even last. So instead of trying to get rid of rap music, because everyone benefits from it, they try to get rid of seasoned rappers, at a point in their careers when they finally know the ins and outs of the business aspect of their careers. You see what Prince did when he realized that he didn't own anything, he put slave on his cheek. He came to a point in his career where he was educated enough to be wiser in his choices and realized his true leverage power.

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