Quotes about insiders (16 Quotes)

    So, will DeLay survive Capitol Hill has seen a fair share of its leaders fall to scandal over the past 15 years or so, and insiders will tell you there are signs to watch for. While a sense of foreboding is undeniably in the air, Republicans still seem fairly solidly behind the leader to whom they owe so much. With Tom, it's going to have to be more than just allegations. Tom has done so much fund raising, ... There's a general feeling from all of us that Tom could be more careful. The accumulation of Mariana Islands, Korea, the stuff in Texas has some people wringing their hands more than others.

    This is a very serious campaign violation, and we are urging the appropriate authorities to investigate and take action immediately before this front group has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to buy this Assembly race for the candidate of Sacramento insiders.

    I think it will go a long way to bringing this chapter to a close. I think there will be a few more days of some questions, but this story is mostly inside the beltway of concern only to Washington political insiders.

    The breadth of the charges reflects the serious and widespread nature of the problem. The indictment not only targets the brokers who exploit the investing public but also the dishonest company insiders who secretly profit from the illegal schemes, the money launderers who conceal the illicit gains and the organized crime members and associates who protect and promote the illegal enterprise.

    He defers to economic interests over the public health, to executive agencies over the Congress, and to secrecy over the public's right-to-know, ... He's always tweaking the facts to the benefit of insiders.

    an insider's narrative account of the Hurricane Katrina disaster that will locate its roots in the culture and politics of the city of New Orleans and in the national politics of oil, homeland security, poverty and race relations.

    Frankly, a lot of insiders think it's the most important measure on the ballot. If it wins, it will be a victory for the governor, and a real defeat for the labor union bosses and their allies.

    This democracy, this government does not belong to that crowd of insiders in Washington and their lobbyists. It belongs to you, and we are going to restore the power in this democracy back to you. That's who it belongs to.

    In many cases, the danger signals are apparent and still go undetected. An even more serious problem is that a significant share of mortgage fraud today is committed by industry insiders. In this mortgage industry, we choose to educate our team members on the sales training and the relationship side but seem to forget or choose to forget that there is another side to training, Brokers and lenders alike need to know what tools there are to prevent mortgage fraud and how to use them. It's a little late to detect fraud once the loan is closed and funded, and most criminals won't give you back your money.

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