Quotes about interactivity (16 Quotes)

    Interactivity has the virtue of democracy, conferring upon everyone with access to a computer the right and opportunity to be heard, but it's also saddled with democracy's vice - a tendency to assume that everyone who has a right to be heard has some.

    While next generation HD players are in final assembly, and movies are being mastered, the AACS architects are ensuring consumers can enjoy the HD picture, sound and robust portability potential of AACS without any further delays. Much more than just HD movies, AACS delivers new consumer interactivity, portability and feature enhancement after purchase on a scale like no other consumer digital entertainment system can. AACS represents a cross-industry team of chip, consumer electronics, PC designers and content creators, all dedicated to enriching the consumer's home and portable entertainment experience.

    The idea is that your body, on this very deep, unconscious level, is controlling a virtual person. It's a much more complex, ambiguous type of interactivity, but it's very real interactivity.

    Games work because of the interactivity and the long time of exposure and repeat exposure. People will come back to play again and again. It's an opportunity to drive different stages of a campaign.

    We know that ATT is upgrading their TCI network to provide voice services, but we believe that upgrade will go beyond that, for total interactivity at very reliable rates, ... Video telephone calls, downloading music videos, television broadcasts, online newspapers -- all of this would be in digital mode. I think they certainly intend to be the one-stop shop and once they do that, it will force the other multiple system operators to follow suit.

    Video is the future of digital advertising - no other advertising vehicle combines the sight, sound and motion of television ads with the interactivity, targeting and measurability of the Internet.

    Some industry experts believe a natural affinity exists between the Web and talk radio. Talk radio and the Web have two very important things in common, ... They're an alternative message-delivery system that appeals to folks who aren't necessarily wild about the mainstream media. And both have the key element of interactivity. You can talk back, whether it's through the phone or the modem.

    We're not that far from people watching TV on the same screen as the computer, with interactivity back and forth. It's the interactivity that TV lacks right now and that is a major advantage for the Internet.

    The annual WebAward Competition judges Web site development against an ever-increasing Internet standard and against peer sites. The competition provides a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for developing some of the most effective Web sites on the Net today, ... More than 2,100 sites from 33 countries were adjudicated in 95 industry categories during this year's competition. Entries were judged on design, copywriting, innovation, content, interactivity, navigation and use of technology.

    Our research confirms the increasing sophistication and buying power of our network. Members see The Outsourcing Institute as not only a source for best practices but this new research confirms the growing impact of The Outsourcing Institute as a global marketplace for the buying and selling of outsourcing services. For 2006 we are expanding this role even further with new programs designed to increase the interactivity of the community and leverage the buying power of our members.

    We are thrilled to partner with TV Guide Channel to provide wireless interactivity for this live show. Our campaign management tools excel in live environments, and our experienced staff understands TV producers' needs. We are delighted to work with an interactive leader like TV Guide Channel.

    We're witnessing an increased demand from broadcast providers for solutions that extend their programming across broadband platforms. Our work with Leafs TV and 'Full Contact Fishing' not only combines the leading distribution channels but also enhances the on-air programming through synchronized interactivity.

    Literally, while I was writing, the town eccentrics were looking over my shoulder, asking about what I was writing, listening to my explanations, offering their two cents. It had gotten around town pretty quickly that what Walter was doing inside his house could be viewed easily on a computer. I thought, 'This is more interactivity than I can stand' But it was interesting too.

    Tom presided over a dramatic expansion of CNN's newsgathering operations and led the network into the age of digital interactivity, ... Throughout his tenure, he's upheld and enhanced the traditions of journalistic integrity and independence that distinguish CNN as the world's foremost news brand.

    I think what they've created is the fastest growing company in the media space focused on interactivity. In a nutshell, you had the Internet bust, valuations go bust, but clearly there is value to the businesses that can be done on the Internet.

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