Quotes about intricacies (15 Quotes)

    No story is a straight line. The geometry of a human life is too imperfect and complex, too distorted by the laughter of time and the bewildering intricacies of fate to admit the straight line into it's system of laws.

    Without those two, we would not have learned half as fast as we did. They both helped us in learning all the intricacies of the notes and how to make the best notes for many different conditions. And, now that we know the notes inside and out, it should make us even better drivers.

    These are the people who under-stand the true value of a lease. People without a finance background may not really understand the intricacies and the real value of a lease, as opposed to purchasing something outright.

    Perhaps we will learn how small differences in the code of life enabled us -- but not chimpanzees -- to cook souffls, create symphonies, translate our own voyages into maps, build ever more complicated artifacts, and write plays that reflect the social intricacies of our lives,

    Multi-nationalism is a major business trend. Therefore, global service delivery has become a major focus in the relocation industry. As the intricacies of international mobility continue to increase, it becomes an absolute imperative to work with service providers like Prudential Relocation that are skilled in breaking down the complexities of global assignments.

    It is strange that we know so little about the properties of numbers. They are our handiwork, yet they baffle us we can fathom only a few of their intricacies. Having defined their attributes and prescribed their behavior, we are hard pressed to perceive the implications of our formulas.

    This guy knows knows sports the way an art dealer knows a painting, ... He will tell you intricacies of the game that most guys even the guys who bet money on games don't know. I've done a lot of movies, but I was learning from him on this one.

    Seth wants this to be an interactive experience. He wants fans to see the intricacies of snowboard-cross because the more you understand the sport, the more you appreciate its appeal.

    When you start out a tournament game like that you're in trouble. I called a 30 second timeout to explain the intricacies of basketball and how we're supposed to put the ball in the basket.

    Most people don't think it matters, ... This meeting is about an international treaty. It's not about the intricacies of Canadian climate-change policy.

    When Horse Power approached me about joining their team I jumped at the offer because they are doing with new horse owners what I am doing with new riderseducating and guiding them through the intricacies of the most exhilarating and exciting business in the world. A lot can go wrong for the novice rider and novice owner. I believe a proper education and the right advisors can make the entire experience more positive.

    Although the in-game advertising market is still relatively untapped, its promising business model will lead to swift market development. Effectively competing in the interactive gaming market for the video game and advertising communities requires careful attention to the intricacies of the industry.

    Yet Walton made an immediate impression as a playmaker and a quick study of the intricacies of the triangle offense. He still needs to strengthen his defense and extend the range of his jump shot, but even in sporadic playing time he has emerged as a key contributor. He makes everyone around him better, ... and that kind of ballplayer is a dying breed.

    You would expect a translator to take his lead from the defense lawyer and you would not expect that translator to understand the intricacies of a very broad criminal statute. There is a real issue whether it's even fair to charge, much less convict, someone like him.

    Pat Choate has worked extensively to examine the intricacies of intellectual property theft and patent reform he is at the forefront of the debate,

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