Quotes about jab (16 Quotes)

    The governor has been very consistent in supporting domestic partnership rights. We obviously disagree and are going to go our own course. We do not perceive it as a jab at our efforts.

    Regardless of the criticisms I receive from the left, the right and the middle, I think it's important to maintain a prolific writing jab, as long as my literary legs hold up.

    It's got to be a concern when your captain can't play in the match before the first Test, but he has a chance for next week. A jab normally starts to work after 48 hours, but you can't expect the full effect for about two weeks.

    Boxing is such a great sport and so much like making jazz music, ... There is the footwork, the jab, the constant setting up and reacting to your opponent.

    If you listen to their comments about each other, the Miller campaign - rather than responding to the announcement that Miller was going to run in a critical way - said we welcome more Democrats to the party. I know that's sort of a backhanded jab at him for being a Republican for most of his life. But neither campaign seems to be turning immediately to the negative.

    If someone wanted to put on a celebrity boxing match, I think I could take him. I know he's from Texas, so he's gotta be tough, but I used to have a pretty nice jab until I retired it in high school.

    It was something that it's taken a lot of people a lot of years to get to, ... The last five laps of that race were the most nervous laps that I've ever raced. I was just telling myself to be smooth . . . I didn't want to jab the car and spin it out.

    38th over Australia 121-2 (Ponting 41, Martyn 17) Jones is getting some swing here - lots of sharp inswingers which Ponting has to jab down sharply on. But the Australian captain survives, and that's lunch. Intrigued by the fervent praise for Stick Cricket in this OBO, I thought I'd give it a whirl - and almost immediately attracted the attention of my less-than-impressed boss, ... Surely some kind of record - do I win a prize Other than a P45

    Juan Hernandez was an actor out of New York, but what made Juan so great and what made Omar so great was that they both already knew how to box, so we didn't have to take them into a gym and teach them how to throw a left jab.

    I don't think I have an advantage because he is coming off a loss. I think he wants to recover his name, he wants to win this fight. This time we are prepared for his jab and his straight.

    Not there. He doesn't work his way in behind the jab, he doesn't punch to the body. Rather than work his way into position to throw punches -- and it is work -- he loads up with wide punches and long punches. The one thing he has retained is his power. But when he's loading up, he's vulnerable.

    The whole side of his face was so swollen, I couldn't miss it (whether) I was throwing a jab or a right hand. I knew it was a matter of time if I just kept punching they would stop the fight.

    You gotta be born with it, baby. We walk with the lip, we talk with the slang. And we pretty. We pretty, baby. We move like Ali in his young days. We good with the jab, good with the stab.

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