Quotes about jammed (16 Quotes)

    They have voted on it, ... They are voting today by walking the pavement, by letting the company know that they are not about to have any contract jammed down their throat. This is the new Teamsters. We do not operate as was done in the past.

    Bay Area public services have not kept pace with demands of our economy and growing population. Freeways are jammed, commutes are longer, the power supply is vulnerable to a hot summer, and water systems could snap in a major earthquake. Well aware of this, business leaders can be optimistic that negotiations between the Governor and the Legislature on an infrastructure bond are focusing on what gets funded not if there's a need for funding.

    For lack of a better word, we jammed a bit in the studio, which is something we've never done before. I think the record will end up being a combination of doing it the way we've always done it and trying different stuff like that.

    They sucked in on me more and denied me some good looks. I jammed my finger in the Saint Louis game but I am not going to use that as an excuse. We did not move the ball as much as we wanted.

    We're a team that likes to move, and I think the tight 2-3 was like a fence out there. They had everything jammed up inside and our dribble penetration wasn't working. We like to be able to get up and down the court and we weren't able to do that.

    I thought I had it jammed between my body and the glove. I didn't see it and I thought I was going to hold it long enough for the whistle and then all of a sudden I saw it trickle in. The puck didn't go my way on that play.

    Do we write books so that they shall merely be read Don't we also write them for employment in the household For one that is read from start to finish, thousands are leafed through, other thousands lie motionless, others are jammed against mouseholes.

    Once I was at the Atlanta airport. I was taking the train between terminals. Its a smooth, quiet train, and it was jammed when I walked in. But it was absolutely quiet except for a mechanical voice calling out the stops. The doors were about to close, a couple rushes in and the mechanical voice says, Because of late entry, the train will be delayed for 30 seconds. People were staring at the couple, they were angry, and I yelled out, George Orwell, your time has come and gone, things are so efficient were losing our humanity and our sense of humor. Now there are three miscreants The crowd is staring at me and at the young couple. Sitting nearby was a baby on a mothers lap. I asked the baby, What do you think about this She laughs, and I say, A human voice at last Theres still hope.

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