Quotes about jell (14 Quotes)

    Not as long as they play, and they play with a passion. It's a team thing, too, its not just about one group. As long as the jell together, we'll be in good shape.

    Our kids really started to jell, and we played our best basketball at the end of the season. That's a testament to the coaching staff and all the hard work they put into it.

    Sometimes, when you have a new coach, a new system, a new group of guys, it takes time to jell together, ... But there's no doubt in my mind that we're eventually going to come together as a team and make that title run.

    He'll be very good for the Atlanta Braves. He didn't quite jell in that Boston situation, but he can play anywhere. So many people have exaggerated that year.

    One of the things I told the team was we have to protect our home floor. Beating Rice and Houston, two of the best teams in the conference, was important for our confidence. We're starting to jell at the right time.

    Through adversity, you learn a lot more and you become a stronger team and you jell together a lot more. So I'm kind of glad we had a little bit of that adversity to try and get over.

    This is by far the biggest win we've had since we lost Daniel Palumbo to a knee injury. We're starting to jell as a team, and our defense really came together tonight.

    We are very excited to begin our season, ... Practice has been going very well so far and I think our team is beginning to jell. We are looking forward to racing some very good schools. The Head of the Oklahoma Centennial Regatta is a good early season test for us and will help prepare us for the Head of the Charles later this month.

    If we do well in this three-game stretch, we'll have a shot. We feel good about where we are and how we're playing. Right now, we want to see the guys jell together and continue to play better.

    I think we're beginning to do it in a way that's convincing our audience that we're going to remain serious. It's beginning to jell with people and it's beginning to jell with us, too.

    I'm just using this training camp as a base to build up my strength, ... We've got a good month until the season starts. We're not in a rush. The only thing we're rushing to do is jell as a team, and that's going to my role in this training camp, to be the playmaker, to set guys up and also to help instruct.

    You look at New England and see the chemistry that they have is the reason why they jell. It's no coincidence why they are always playing for a championship. The key is to get into offseason workouts and training camp and make sure your team jells together.

    It all depends on how well the new players can jell. I'd say it's a rebuilding year only because we have so many sophomores. But if we can play together as a team we can make some noise and be in the upper half of the Shoreline again.

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