Quotes about jills (14 Quotes)

    The Monitor is undertaking strenuous efforts on Jill's behalf, taking advantage of every opportunity we have at our disposal. People at the Monitor are working on this night and day in a variety of cities around the world.

    This has been a difficult week for Jill's family and for us. Jill's deep love for Iraq and the Iraqi people have come out in the published statements by a number of her Iraqi friends and fellow reporters. She is committed to helping the world understand the great good to be found in Iraq and its people, despite the struggles it is going through now.

    Jill's interest in reporting has never been just about the news, but bringing truth to the world. As a father, I appeal to you to release my daughter as a betterment to your cause.

    The Carroll family and The Christian Science Monitor continue to explore every option for securing Jill Carroll's release, unharmed, to her family. Our efforts continue despite a variety of challenging circumstances in the region. We are grateful that so many Arab voices have spoken out on Jill's behalf.

    Jill's extensive background in the aerospace industry and proven business acumen in the implementation of critical programs will provide strategic insight and focus to the solutions we provide our customers.

    Today is just a wonderful day of rejoicing. Jill's friends at the Monitor can't wait to see her and there is no way to thank everyone -- everyone at the press, everyone around the world, all government officials, all Iraqi people, our hearts go out to you in thanks. Bless you all for all that you have done to give Jill and her family this tremendous, wonderfully happy day.

    While we are grateful for the efforts made by so many people to obtain Jill's release, as of today, with the information we have, neither The Christian Science Monitor nor Jill's family is aware of any evidence to support that claim.

    We appreciate the wide ranging efforts being made by Iraqi and US officials to secure Jill's release. We hope that today's encouraging statements about Jill's condition and prospects for safe return are proved correct.

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