Quotes about joaquin (16 Quotes)

    Although the deal is not totally done, we like the way it's coming together. And we like even more the potential for the event. We think the community support in Fresno and throughout the San Joaquin Valley is going to be absolutely tremendous.

    The Central Valley, particularly the San Joaquin Valley, receive high numbers of first-generation Mexican immigrants with low levels of education. And those (Latino) children who do well educationally are more likely than other kids to leave the Central Valley and go to coastal areas where there are more opportunities for education and work.

    There was one particularly heart-stopping moment when Joaquin Phoenix walked into Mass on Christmas Eve after a fire, and it was a beautiful moment. It couldn't have lasted more than 20 or 30 seconds, but it made you forget how little of that there is in movies today.

    Silliness, pure silliness. There was Roy Rogers' Sons of the Pioneers, there was the Sons of the San Joaquin. It was in that spirit, and tongue-in-cheek, but we've had it for all these years and it's served us well, I think.

    For a lot of statistics, you look at longevity. If John Tudor or Joaquin (Andujar) had been able to play here for 14 12 years like I did, they would have been better than me.

    We should not be at all surprised if something similar to Hurricane Katrina mirrors itself in California, ... There have been lots of articles written about the failure of levees in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the loss of drinking water in California. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

    It's the least cost-efficient dam project we could look at. We've almost fully developed the San Joaquin and take something like 98 percent of its water to the point where it usually does not flow anymore.

    I'd love to talk to Joaquin Phoenix because he's a very private guy. Also, he's creating a new kind of sexy leading man. To me, his face is new and might be legendary someday.

    The opportunity is almost wide open. All 12 national wildlife refuges and state wildlife areas in the northern San Joaquin Valley will be open for children at no charge. They must be accompanied by a non-shooting adult chaperone. Up to two children may accompany one adult.

    We will need the cooperation of all segments of San Joaquin County to make this plan work, to achieve the ultimate goal of reaching a higher level of job development, thus generating better-paying jobs for the people who live here.

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