Quotes about johnsons (16 Quotes)

    We are somewhat surprised to see Guidant's board support Johnson Johnson's offer. Recall that this is the same company that thought Guidant was only worth 63 a few weeks ago. Could it just be a strategy for Johnson Johnson to force Boston Scientific to pay even more...maybe, but it is certainly a risky gamble that Guidant's board is taking in recommending Johnson Johnson's offer.

    The improved American highway system isolated the American-in-transit. On his speedway he had no contact with the towns which he by-passed. If he stopped for food or gas, he was served no local fare or local fuel, but had one of Howard Johnson's nationally branded ice cream flavors, and so many gallons of Exxon. This vast ocean of superhighways was nearly as free of culture as the sea traversed by the Mayflower Pilgrims.

    In Peter Johnson's USA article I was quoted thusly Journalists seem to be much more effective than the administration in representing the public's reactions to the disaster, ... Clueless federal officials seem to know less about what is happening than the journalists do, and sometimes less than an average TV viewer. This tips the balance of power toward the press, which is why we see such aggressive questioning and on-air criticism close to jeering.

    You simply cannot be in that shooting environment and not get blood on you. Several labs did extremely thorough examinations of Sarah Johnson's clothes and the reports indicated absolutely no blood.

    The French produce great Camembert, but they haven't absorbed the wisdom of Spencer Johnson's modern classic, 'Who Moved My Cheese An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your life'.

    The Johnsons were cooperating with the church to get the six-tenth of an acre separated from the larger five-acre parcel. Somehow or another, the Johnsons just sold the property to these two gentlemen in Manteca (who) acquired title to the property,

    We continue to believe our 72 (per share) proposal is better for Guidant, its shareholders and its employees than Johnson Johnson's revised offer. We are offering significantly more value, and there is strong upside potential over time. We continue to move forward on our due diligence with the goal of reaching a definitive agreement with Guidant.

    I became quite taken over by Johnson's personality at some points while writing the biography, and since I went straight on to The Closed Circle afterwards, I did sometimes feel I could hear him whispering in my ear while I was working on it.

    Rep. Johnson abused the public trust by using the power of his office to harass an organization which had taken a position with which he disagreed. Such actions are specifically prohibited by federal law and ethics rules and the House ethics committee should immediately commence an investigation into Rep. Johnson's disgraceful conduct.

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