Quotes about kayla (16 Quotes)

    Kayla has been clutch for five years in this program. She is someone I always counted on to have on the floor in crunch time or a late-game situation, because she's so aware of the circumstances of what's going on and what her team needs to do.

    These games are like boxing matches sometimes with give and take. We had a stretch there that was a dogfight, but we had the patience to work through it and Kayla played a phenomenal game.

    Kayla can guard any kid in the state and make them miserable. In the past, I've always had one or two kids who raised the level of the team by their intensity at practice and their commitment. McCarthy and Finn are as good as any kids I've had like that.

    Kayla has a very good all-around game. Offensively, she's dangerous because she can score from the outside or take the ball to the basket. She can rebound and she plays good defense.

    I think she just has a lot of confidence against Kingston. We didn't do anything different tonight, but Kayla was really aggressive on offense. Her three-point percentage has been bad this year, but she did a great job of hitting those shots tonight.

    Sarah and Kayla have been hitting very well for us lately. It is easy to score some runs when the bottom of the lineup is as consistent as they have been the last few games.

    I think that it was just like Kayla Burt said You felt like the crowd lifted us up. It was amazing energy -- it was just amazing energy -- and at the same time the focus was there in the timeouts. This is what we need to do. We were checking off the fast breaks and everything else.

    Until we get through those tests and doctors have had time to sit down and confer with Kayla and with her family, I don't think we're going to have any answers. Until we can get those evaluations, I don't think we have any opportunity to discuss anything else.

    Anna is in the best shape of her life. She has yet to run a great cross country meet but she has worked hard and she's our top runner. Kayla has put in a lot of miles this summer and she's our best practice runner.

    Our defense was the key to this game. Whenever you play Reed you have to worry about stopping their 3-point shooters. But you also have to remember that they have Kayla (Williams) inside. They can give you a lot of problems.

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