Quotes about kbr (11 Quotes)

    We are proud that these issues have been fully resolved. The agreement validates the charges KBR incurred for completing work to import fuel and refined products at the Army's request and direction -- an issue that has been pending since October 2003.

    Once all the facts were fully examined, it is clear, and now confirmed, that KBR performed this work appropriately per the client's direction and within the contract terms.

    The key issue here is self-disclosure and self-reporting. It was Halliburton's own internal, rigorous system of checks and balances that identified the irregularity. ... When the irregularity was discovered, KBR removed the company in question from consideration for any future work as a subcontractor.

    KBR has many global operations where ads ... are placed to ensure the company maintains current information on persons seeking employment with the company,

    KBR remains committed to assist in the rebuilding and restoration of Iraq to help restore needed services for the Iraqi people. The company would comply with other bid requests should we determine the opportunity was a good business venture. KBR is proud to offer the company's global resources at this critical time.

    We are very pleased to welcome Bill to the Halliburton team. Bill brings exceptional qualities to KBR as both an engineer and a business leader and he is well positioned to lead KBR with his seasoned background in energy, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other complex projects.

    Our current plan is to file for an initial public offering for KBR soon after we file our 10-K. We believe the IPO market in general and the public market for engineering and construction companies in particular is very attractive.

    We believe the IPO market in general and the public market for engineering and construction companies in particular is very attractive and if public valuation of KBR will benefit Halliburton's stock price.

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