Quotes about kidd (16 Quotes)

    (Assistant coach Johnny Kidd) put the keys to the game on the board before the game, which is important. But I said, 'You've got to remember, 90 percent of your brain has got to be filled with heart and desire.' You've got to respect the basketball and do the technical things, but you've got to play with a lot of heart.

    Obviously, they've got Jason Kidd, who opens up the court so much, Vince Carter on one wing and Richard Jefferson on the other wing. That's a tough task. We've got to play great team defense, learn from each other and see what happens after that.

    Anytime you get on that kind of roll in the NBA, it's not only impressive, but guys are playing with more confidence. They appear to be playing very well together. They're a well-rounded team, good defensively and offensively. Jason Kidd is one of the best players ever in the league. He makes the whole thing go.

    Jason Kidd is always capable of something like that on a given night, (Steve) Nash, too. But the opponent had so much to do with that night, that it's hard to envision.

    Defensively, the intent and trust has improved. And obviously, Vince Carter has risen his game to a higher level and Richard (Jefferson) and Jason (Kidd) have been very consistent and we're getting contributions from the bench.

    I've always been a reluctant scorer. It's not the strangest thing in the world for me, but obviously, when you're getting 20 a game, it hurts your team. I take full responsibility for hurting us tonight. I give a lot of credit to Jason (Kidd) for his defense.

    Kidd can defend the best wing player at the end of the game, make the big pass, get the big rebound. That takes the pressure off the players.

    They were pretty much the same play. On the first one, they left me to focus on Vince, and he did a good job of finding me. Vince, Richard, Jason (Kidd), they really command a lot of attention, and at that point of the game you're going to think that they're going to get the shot.

    We're quite heavy on opening the sport up, and an event like this brings a completely new audience to golf. People like Jodie Kidd just have a different appeal, rather than the Wales Open which is more the golfing market.

    Richard Jefferson is going to be more involved in Game 2. We know that Jason Kidd is going to be more involved from a scoring standpoint in terms of his aggressiveness. Carter, you can talk about his bad shooting, but he still had 31 points. He missed a lot of point-blank shots he normally makes. They're going to be more balanced in their attack.

    He can get people the ball from 90 feet to two feet. I've never seen anybody get to the rim, and as a big guy comes over, at the last second put the ball in the hands of a big guy and have the guy dunk. He reminds me of Jason Kidd in that he could get that double-figure rebound game, he could get steals, assists, he certainly can shoot the basketball.

    It's definitely a disappointment. He gave up more money, he gave up other opportunities because of his desire to play with the Nets, with Jason Kidd and for Lawrence Frank. New Jersey wasn't comfortable, and neither were we, so now we'll move forward.

    I love to cheer, and yell, and joke and to celebrate the best basketball in the world. And to see these new players, to see how good they are-guys like Paul Pierce and Jason Kidd and, of course, Shaq and Kobe, who are just off the charts. It's a real pleasure.

    It's inevitable that the Mavericks get linked to trade rumors regarding Kidd and other major players who are on the block. We're not going to make any major trades, ... Everybody fills a role on this team right now and for the future.

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